terça-feira, 3 de junho de 2008

food crisis skyrocketing

I just signed a petition urging world leaders at an emergency summit
this week to tackle the food crisis now gripping the world. This is
urgent and important and I thought you might like to sign it too:

The United Nations is convening the emergency summit. There is
a real danger that rich country leaders will push half measures and
band-aid solutions – we need a huge global outcry to demand rapid,
massive, coordinated action.

The head of the UN, Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon, will receive our
petition at the summit at 9:30AM on Wednesday morning.
This is a
huge opportunity for our voice to reach our leaders directly, but we
need half a million voices heard. Sign the petition below, and
watch the video appeal from the foreign minister of Sierra Leone, one
of the world's worst hit nations:



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