domingo, 27 de maio de 2007

The Gargoyle Letters

One day my friend Chris mentioned casually in an email that he was
having problems with his home owner's association. As he explained the trouble I found myself laughing hysterically, and begged him to send me the correspondence. And thus was born an internet classic.

-Jeff Kay

United States of Jesus

Comedian Pat Condell speaks about religion in the world's governments..

sexta-feira, 25 de maio de 2007

People In Newspaper Ads Who Look Like They're Farting

A traditionalist, Richard prefers the "tilting to one side" method. When it comes to farting, Richard doesn&'t subscribe to the Flashy New Ways. He likes to keep it simple and real, out of respect for the past masters.

While walking to his car Robert pauses and discretely lifts the heel of one foot, just enough to break the seal, then lets loose with a low rumbler. Robert appreciates the cathedral-like acoustics of the parking garage.

Utilizing the one-heel-up method, Jacob unleashes a "Game Show Buzzer," and Ethan reacts in the accepted manner. This is a paradigm that transcends all cultures and age groups.

more at

quinta-feira, 24 de maio de 2007

Violações dos Direitos Humanos nos países lusófonos

A Amnistia Internacional publicou o seu relatório 2007 relativo ao estado das violações dos Direitos Humanos no mundo. Com excepção de Cabo Verde e São Tomé e Príncipe, todos os países lusófonos são citados no relatório.

segunda-feira, 14 de maio de 2007

Living heads

from Top 10 things you didn't know about death:

"(...) 2. A human head remains conscious for about 15 to 20 seconds after it has been decapitated (...)"

Surprised? astonished? shocked?

sábado, 12 de maio de 2007

Humans would survive in space vacuum

Explosive decompression


Misunderstandings of the meaning of the words are quite likely to be a fueling factor for a persistent myth that humans would explode if exposed to the non-pressure of space. Accidents in space exploration research and high-altitude aviation have shown that while vacuum exposure causes swelling, human skin is tough enough to handle a drop of one atm. A sudden drop of eight atm in the Byford Dolphin accident had intensely fatal results.

source: Wikipedia ( )

sexta-feira, 11 de maio de 2007

Para descontrair

Dois amigos se encontram depois de muito anos.
- Casei, separei e já fizemos a partilha dos bens.
- E as crianças ?
- O juiz decidiu que ficariam com aquele que mais bens recebeu.
- Então ficaram com a mãe?
- Não, ficaram com nosso advogado.

Dois amigos conversam sobre as maravilhas do Oriente...
Um deles diz:
- Quando completei 25 anos de casado, levei minha mulher ao Japão.
- Não diga? E o que pensa fazer quando completarem 50 ?
- Volto lá para buscá-la...

O condenado à morte esperava a hora da execução, quando chegou o padre:
- Meu filho, vim trazer a palavra de Deus para você.
- Perda de tempo, seu padre. Daqui a pouco vou falar com Ele, pessoalmente.
Algum recado?

domingo, 6 de maio de 2007


The state of the art of robotic motion:

Transport robot:

Dexter jumps: