Well, guess what -- now there is! Midomi.com is a site (still in beta version) which allows you to find songs by singing, humming (if you don't know the lyrics) or whistling. The software analizes the recording and compares it to the database os song samples submitted by its users.
It really works! Well, not ALL the time, and evidently it helps if you can sing minimally without going too much out of tune... but I dont consider myself a good singer, and I managed to find "Things That I Like", from the movie "The Sound of Music", by simply humming the song.
Here's the video, explaining it all:
Plus, if you like singing, the site allows you to easily create an account and sing samples of songs so other people can find them.
Now, you might be wondering why I am promoting this site like this? I mean, I realise this email sounds like an advertisement, lol (but I promise I wrote every word of it), but you see, the more people I convince to participate in the site (especially contributting with song samples), the more chances I have to find songs the next times I use it =D
Why have I written this in english, you ask? well, first because the video I am linking is in english, without subtitles. Second, because some contacts in my forward list don't speak portuguese; And third, cause if you're really into music, even if you don't understand
everything, you'd have made an effort (you came this far, haven't you?) since the subject interested you.
I hope to see some samples on Midomi.com by you, soon!
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